Septic Treatment Plant Temporarily Closed In Doña Ana County, NM

Doña Ana County residents have had the unfortunate news that the La Mesa sewage treatment plant is closed until Monday due to failure routine facility testing. reported that the plant was not compliant with federal and state regulations and had to take measures to ensure that the correct levels of ammonia were met:

Doña Ana County has temporarily suspended operations at its septic treatment plant in La Mesa. The plant is expected to reopen Monday, March 7.

The decision to temporarily stop accepting septic waste was made after routine testing showed higher levels of ammonia than are allowed by federal and state regulations. Staff are stabilizing the chemical levels prior to reopening to ensure compliance. Read more at

Although, this is a setback for local residents in Southern New Mexico, local government say measures to get households in Las Cruces and neighboring El Paso TX,  back to normal are only a few days away.


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